The top five things not to miss when it comes to SPARCS

Did you know that submitting Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System data is crucial to ensuring hospitals comply with state regulations?

In this free guide, you’ll find out what you need to submit and why you have to submit SPARCS data.

Find out the top five things hospital teams don’t want to miss when it comes to SPARCS.

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Did you know you can automate your SPARCS entries?

And achieve 100% completion and accuracy?

You can with the most widely-used SPARCS submission tool in the state of New York.

UDS (UIS Data System™) is a web-based SPARCS compliance solution that automates almost the entire SPARCS entry, correction and formatting process on all inpatient, ambulatory surgery, emergency department and clinic activity. Billing systems focus on getting you paid. UDS focuses on keeping you compliant.

Join more than 120 New York state hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers and...

  • Automate your SPARCS data submission
  • Get back your time
  • Get 100% submission
  • And get 100% accuracy

Learn how to get 100% submissions automated